
Contact Me

Let's chat, shall we?

Email: StupidStork4 at gmail dot com

And yes, if you message me we can be facebook friends.  What?!?  But shut your mouth about all the TTC on there or I'll have to pop you one.


I'm lovely and non-scary.  Usually.


  1. You are hilarioius!!! Love your blog and I JUST got here. :)

    1. I second this post. this is exactly what I needed to read tonight. Thank you!

  2. Gracias lady! Hooray for new friends!

  3. Jenny, I think you are my hetero-solemate! I am currently waiting for my transfer, it has been 3 days since retrieval and so far I have two left. I had a miscarriage last year September at 9 weeks, and I all but had a baby room painted I was so excited. I want to punch everybody in the face who tells me to "just relax", or my personal fave "think about all the things you can do if you don't have children" - and my internal answer is always "serve a guilt-free 10 years in prison for stabbing you?". I am getting so used to groups of people hanging out in my vajayjay, that started unzipping my pants at the dentist office. Thank for your blog and your personal stories. They have kept me laughing in my (last three) hours of need!

    1. Haha! YAY For hetero soulmates! (But we can still make out, right?)

      And I may be stealing the serving time in prison line.

      GOOD LUCK on the transfer! I am wiggling my fingers wildly in your general direction.

  4. Hi:) Thanks for visiting my blog earlier today. I just read through a whole bunch of your posts and I have to say - I'm already addicted!!! Love your humor and your sarcasm (or is it the truth?). Can't wait to follow you along. Good luck on your journey!

  5. Just recently came across your blog and having just started this journey,and I can't thank you enough for your humor and honesty. ps. loved your (and all the ladies) vlogs. bravo!

  6. I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award because you are one of my favorite bloggers!! :)

    Visit my post: for more info! xoxo

  7. I love your blog. Your humor really is a nice change from some other blogs I follow!

  8. OK, it's me! But I see no email for you! Maybe I'm blind plus I've lose part of my brain with each retrieval, lol. Let's meet up. Email me, you can find my email in my profile and we can do the FB thing and meet for coffee and talk about our cervical mucus, that would be so much fun!!!

  9. HI Stork! I have the reverse period issue - rather that sporatic, mine just vanished. Here is my tale:
    best of luck on your journey
